Tag Archives: ocean art

Mark Gabriel Cleared For Takeoff


Though it is not his preference in terms of the photography that he does, Scotty Carter on occasion connects with the incredible surfing talents in South Laguna Beach.  Looking at the picture of Mark the slogan from Southwest Airlines comes to mind so Mark you are free to move about the country!  Sorry had to provide myself a comedic moment!

Scotty has known Mark Gabriel since they were young men and the two have maintained a strong friendship since.  Today Mark has a fine art gallery called The Mint that features some of the amazing talents in the wave art field.  Mark is a great guy and he has a vision for the future of beach lifestyle clothing, accessories and art that holds great promise.  He is holding a grand opening party at the location in North San Clemente and you can obtain details and directions by going to http://www.themintlifestyle.com.  The amazing wave images of Scotty Carter will be there showing off pieces from his coastal hydrodynamic collection as well as his 2012 reef science collection as a part of the Celebration of Water, Light and Energy.  

Article By: Rob Brack

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